Our Services

Impulse Buyers

They represent the vast majority of resort condominium owners. These are people who have accepted an invitation for a timeshare tour or presentation in exchange for some kind of free gift.

Here is how we utilize this concept for you:

We will inform the family that is using your unit (Renters, Exchangers, Guests of Exchangers, Bonus Week Buyers) that it is for sale by its owner at a lower price than what the resort is asking for (no other company provides this kind of service). During their stay at a resort guests are usually invited for a free breakfast or lunch if they agree to attend an orientation about the resorts ownership program. We will encourage your guests to accept that invitation so they will find out all about the amenities, services and other particulars of the resort including the current purchase prices. This way the sales people at your resort are unknowingly doing all the selling for you and if your guests decide to buy, they can contact us to negotiate a better deal. This strategy works to attract both impulse buyers and existing owners.

Existing Owners

They are satisfied and wish to own more time at the same or a different resort or intend to buy one as a gift for a family member. We are constantly in touch with thousands of timeshare owners in North America to promote our program. We quickly find out if their main interest is saving money on exchanges, wish to sell/rent or if they are in the market to buy an additional unit at a discount. If so, we find out what exactly they are looking for and we match it with our re-sale inventory.


There are thousands of people who recently attended a presentation or dinner seminar about vacation ownership and did not buy.

The reasons for that are the following:

  • They did not like the resort or its location.
  • They did not like the price (too high).
  • They did not like the timeshare concept or vacation style.
  • The Resort did not have the inventory they wanted.


There are hundreds of companies out there that look for the best way to maximize their profits when their fiscal year is over. Buying a timeshare in Mexico becomes a great option for these companies because they are considered a depreciating asset and even more importantly they get the incredible tax benefits that USMCA (NAFTA) provides.